Monday, March 17, 2014

March 15th (Loving the Weather Today!!)

This is her face every time we are outside!! She loves it as much as her sister used to at this age!!

                                Adelyn is playing over at the neighbors having fun in the sun!!
Look what Mayva took from Dusty the neighbors dog!!
Is she sooo happy or what!

 Peyton and Kelsey came over for a few hours while Kara ran some errands!! They are so good! We went for a little walk around the park and then Daddy got home.
 Finally got to bring her 4 wheeler outside....she was thrilled and it was so much easier then in our house.

What a great Saturday. Unfortunately Daddy had to work ALL day but it was beautiful outside which made the girls sooo happy! Love this weather now hopefully it keeps up! Ready for summer and play dates!

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