Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 19th (Crown Center with Grandma!!)

 Getting Ready to go to Kaleidoscope with Grandma Joy!

Loving all the sounds!
I love her lips here! Making her puzzle.

Painting in black light much fun!
Ella wanted to run up and down the hall from the black light room..she loved it!

She wanted to hold her bag all by was so sweet!
                                                          Lol look Adelyn!

Making a bow at Hallmark.

Free Exhibit....Wizard of Oz.

Sucker from Grandma for Ella.
Yummy Gummies for Addie.
 Someone fell asleep in the car and continued to sleep 2 hours on the couch.
                      Excited little girls to watch FROZEN...I think I was just as excited.
Today we started the morning early to go to Ella's head doctor appt. downtown at Children's Mercy. Everything went good. Then my mom and I took the girls to Kaleidoscope, Free Exhibit, out to lunch and shopping. The girls had so much fun with grandma and me. We all were very tired after a long day of walking and talking.
Daddy ended up working late so we had dinner at home and watched FROZEN!!! The girls enjoyed chocolate milk shakes also. Great fun filled day with my two special girls!

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