Saturday, March 15, 2014

March 11th (Nice Weather!!)

Enjoying some yummy special mommy tea!! She was so happy walking around a drinking while I cleaned up!

  So Oliver wanted out and Mayva wanted in all morning! Lol..I think they should switch bodies! After some breakfast it was time to head up to our Mommy and tot class and then for a picnic along with playground fun with friends!

What a nice big sister...Ella loves to swing!

        Adelyn with one of her best friends Jillian!! They were running so fast could barely get a pic!

                                                  Jace and Ella having fun in the sun!!

 We don't always do this but today the kids got to play in the sand volley ball area!! They had so much fun!

I love how this shot of Ella turned out....I am thinking about taking a photography class! We shall see.
Love the sand.
Back ponytail...she looks like a big girl!
These kids had such a fun morning today. We love going to mom and tot with our friends. Ella is able to play with lots of other little kids. After we headed down to the playground to eat our picnic lunch and to play. The kids are really enjoying this nice weather and so am I! I love being able to go outside and just watch my kids run and laugh!! I love my girls more than anything in the world!! Can't wait for summer!

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