Thursday, June 2, 2022

May 2nd (Brandon/My Surgery)

My surgery is today. I have been super super nervous. 
But ready to get it over with. 
Nick and I got the girls off to school, then Nick got a horrible call.
We found out that my brother's best friend Brandon committed suicide. 
I have known Brandon since middle school, I also played on his and his girlfriends sand volleyball team. I just saw him Tuesday!! Ugh I can't believe this is happening!
Nick and I cried then he drove me to the hospital.
 I decided to put it in the back of my head so I could go in positively to my surgery, I didn't want to reschedule since it would be at the end of May! 
So I went under and woke up, tired and like nothing ever happened!
Crazy!! My mom came up to wait, and Nick. 
He took me home and got me Jersey Mikes for late lunch. 
We got home before the girls which was nice so I could get settled.
I felt really tired and a little uncomfortable. 
Nick did everything for the girls, and I just rested in bed.
My mom brought us Panera for dinner which was helpful.
I enjoyed these cookies that were dropped off from Lizzie. Monster cookies, yummy.
Emotionally drained, such a crazy day!!
Flowers from April M!
Hopefully I feel better quicker than later.


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