Wednesday, June 15, 2022

May 18th (Science city field trip w/Ella)

I really didn't want to go on this field trip. One of my least favorites. But Ella really wanted me to go so of course I put on a happy face for her. 
We did have a good time and I didn't have anymore kids in my group so that made me happier! Lol.

Hanging with Lily a little bit, her bestie. Her Dad came to walk around with her.

New Carnival area!!

Love this

Huge Toad!!

New train area!! 
Ella's boyfriend Tyler. We hung with him and Mrs. Heather for awhile.

I think the water exhibit needs to be updated!!
Outside area is always fun.

She is going up.

So pretty outside today! A little hot.
So I left 30 minutes earlier than Ella, but they had bathroom breaks and head counts to do.
I came home relaxed for a little bit then Addie came home.
I received a late Mother's Day gift in the mail though!!
I love it, engraved and lights up glass heart!
Thanks honey I love pictures!!
In person it is really really cool! 


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