Monday, June 20, 2022

May 25th (Last Day of School-Soon to be 8th Grader/& 5th Grader/Oak Park Mall Fun)

Look show gets to take her phone to school today!!
And it's actually cooler out today so Addie opted for jeans. 
I tried to tell her to wear flip flops but she likes wearing tennis shoes everyday.

Time to go surprise her friends with her new phone.

Taylor got here!
I could tell Addie was nervous/excited to show her friends she got a phone!

Got it on camera. lol. Daphne's face!! Hahaha. She is the most excited, Daphne's b day was in November and has had hers since then. Taylor is still waiting for one.

Time to walk over to school!
Ran home to get Ella ready for school.

This is how Ella likes to strike a pose now! Haha.
Daddy in the glass! Ha.

Nick isn't usually home on last day but he is this year. He is going to work on Adelyn's room.

Ms. Angela, Mrs. Heather, Taylor and Ella. 
Thanks Taylor's mom for the picture.
I sent Adelyn a picture of myself with, I love you!! Now I can do that anytime I want with her phone. Lol.
Came home to relax on this last 1/2 day. Got some work done for 360 and did some blogging. Oliver decided to cuddle up with me!

Nick working on Adelyn's room! Love it so far.
Our song came on the radio so I snagged a pic of us together!!
After school got out for Ella we met some moms' and kids up at Oak Park Mall food court to eat lunch. It is too cold/rainy out for the pool, boo!!

So I took this teen/pre teen girls around to do some shopping along with Ella. Everyone else left. And boy did I get to see a sneak peek of things to come sooner than I thought with Adelyn. 
They tried on clothes, brought back memories of middle school for me.
Oh geez here comes trouble!! lol.
These were only $5 at charlotte russe so I got one for Addie and Kaia! As long as she wears a tank top underneath! Oh geez Nick is going to flip.

Everything is a crop top!! Haha.

Taylor being Elf!
Enjoying the lego store, but not all the clothes!!
We stayed for awhile. Then I took the older girls back to my house, dropped them off with Nick being there. Then Ella and I headed over to April's house to hang with the younger girls. Lizzie, April and I got to catch up!!
Busy fun last day of school.
I guess it's summer, even though its rainy and cold!!


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