Wednesday, June 15, 2022

May 24th (Last FULL Day of School/Adelyn's Award Ceremony/Adelyn's Bedroom/Adelyn Early Present)

I took Ella's teacher/helper/therapist gifts to school today!
I did popcorn buckets, each persons favorite candy, drink and a $5 sonic card!
I had 7!
Adelyn took to school $5 gift cards for each of her 7 teachers also! Done and done!!
This afternoon I came up to see the award ceremony at CT!
All the 7th graders!

Adelyn one of the first ones!! Go Addie!
She's so smart!

Hunter, your mama is with us watching you from Heaven!!
I don't know who this kid is but his face is hilarious!!

I love Mr. Wiley, not everyone does. But he hurries parents at drop off. Which I don't do often but when I have to he tells people, GO GO GO!! Then at the awards he told the kids to let the parents take as many pictures as they wanted with them!! Ha. Love it!!
Took pics of the kids I could grab and embarrass!

A little annoyed, but I was fast!
Got a selfie before she headed back to class.
Mean while back at home Nick and Jake working in Adelyn's room.

Before pics!! She chose green for her new room.

After dinner tonight we surprised Adelyn with an early birthday present!! She was like, okk?

Videotaped her opening the phone. She was so surprised and asked why we gave it to her early? Ummm so you can get peoples numbers from school and take some pictures! And look cool of course on the last day of school!! Duh!! Ha. Well she was happy and excited to show her friends tomorrow!!


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