Monday, June 27, 2022

May 28th (Adelyn's 13th Birthday-Waffles/Presents/Oak Park Mall/Bedroom/Jalapeno's For Dinner)

Adelyn didn't get as many presents with her already getting a phone!! And I can't believe she is 13!! Really how can this be, she was just my little baby!!

Waffles for the birthday girl!

Ella got a Squishmallow and new boat!

Burrito Squishmallow!!

And a sushi one.

Last gift a burrito blanket!!
She was so excited.

Nick painting Addie's accent wall!
After lunch time Adelyn and I headed out to the mall to do some birthday clothes shopping, her request.
We shopped here, Macy's junior section and H&M.
Then we grabbed a sweet treat to share, cookie cake slice! So yummy!
We headed home. Auntie Lisa got there shortly after and we all headed up to Jalapeno's for birthday dinner with more family!
(Auntie Lisa left her car so we can have someone look at it, clutch might be going out)
Presents from Grandma Joy and Grandpa David!
Wobble Bubble ball, Ella has been wanting one!

Target gift card for more clothes.
She has been reading these books and loved the first movie.

Wobble Bubble ball for Addie.
 Money from uncle Stevie.

Max being goofy!

Another Target gift card from Uncle Jeff and Aunt Sasha.
Laughing because she got one from Auntie Lisa also plus my parents!! Lots of money to spend at Target!
Ella hanging out with her cousins.
We ate a yummy meal then it was fried ice cream time!
(She is also wearing a new shirt she got from the mall!!)
Sparkle your 13!!!
Adelyn was scared of the sparklers. Lol.

Me and my little baby girl.
We popped into the candy store next door also!
We came home to relax!
Adelyn got her blanket to cuddle up!
I think Adelyn had a great birthday!! I can't believe she is 13!! It is going way too fast. Miss my little baby girl but love who she is becoming!


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