Wednesday, December 29, 2021

December 23rd (Oliver the Cuddlier/Ella Advent/Covid Tests/QT/SnapChat/Original Pizza/Marvel/Eva Care Package)

Oliver cuddling with me this morning before the girls woke up!!
And yes I left toys out on the floor last night because I didn't

Ella happy when she woke up this morning and saw her kitty.

Last Advent Calendar for Ella today!
A tiny beanie baby angel bear.
Well this morning we left around 10:15 to get to CVS to have covid tests done for Ella and Adelyn. This is so my parents feel better about us coming to Christmas. They are ok with Ella coming back Positive since she will be day 14 by the time we go over there and after day 10 you are not supposed to be positive. But if Addie's comes back Positive we aren't going!
CVS was a big pain in the butt to get tested through the drive thru!! Ugh it took forever, like 45 minutes!!
We headed to Price Chopper for a few things we need for preparing food for Christmas Eve.
Then we got QT lunch! Yummy!
In the afternoon I made puppy chow and that was it for me and the treats!
We didn't do sugar cookies this year since we aren't giving anyone our treats like we normally do.
Christmas Snapchat with Adelyn this afternoon!
We just kept doing more and more.

Haha! Please don't get face tattoos ever!

I like the pink hair!!
Um yuck!
Super creepy!

Nick grabbed Original Pizza for dinner on his way home! My plan was I wouldn't have to make lunch then tomorrow!! I am making a lot of appetizers for us tomorrow night. I prepped a few things today also. We usually have my parents over but not this year because of covid at our house! Yuck.
So we are REALLY loving Disney Plus right now. Another Avengers movie!! Can't stop won't stop!! Ha. Adelyn really really likes them!
So another bit the dust!! My friend Eva has Covid now! Oh crab. So I made her a little care package to help her feel better, plus some treats I made and an ornament I made her from our trip last Spring Break! Hope hers doesn't get bad!!
Can't believe its Christmas Eve tomorrow!!


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