Thursday, December 2, 2021

November 17th (Ella Matching/Sad News)

After the girls were off to school I got the sad news that my dear friend Dana had passed away!! I was so sad and upset. I thought she was so strong and would pull through but the massive stroke was too much for her brain. She was an amazing mother, daughter, sister and friend!! I will miss her dearly and it doesn't seem real. Just a week ago we were laughing at the Halloween Party!
Oh sweet Dana I will miss you always!
I got a photo sent to me that Ella was matching with her substitute teacher that helps in her CBR class a lot! Very sweet.

A bunch of us mom's met at Pamela's this morning together to comfort each other. Then we went to Jalapeno's for lunch, since it was one of Dana's favorite places and our group always gets cheese dip together. We shared stories and just sat kind of dumb.
The rest of the day was so emotional draining and we all met again at night at Pamela's. We toasted to Dana and told her we all loved her very much!
I need to sleep, haven't been sleeping well for a week now! Horrible day today.


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