Saturday, January 1, 2022

December 24th (Christmas Eve-Traditional 1 Present/Christmas Jammies w/Grandma/Appetizers @ Home/Christmas Lights)

Adelyn got the last Advent Calendar-Winter Beanie Baby Bear.
Before Nick left to go into work for a little bit, the girls opened their one present-our tradition!
Look at these cuties!! Love these pics of them together!
Ella picked a BIG present!

I picked Addie's since it will be something for her to do!

Ryan's World Blind Bag!!
She loves the youtuber Ryan, and I never buy his crap but this was cheap and you got a lot for your money! Ha.
She was sooo sooo excited!

Little Lego set!

Ryan stuffed animal!

Lots of fun stuff she got in the blind bag!! So fun!

Super Ella and Super Ryan!
Adelyn put her set together, and their is a tiny baby!! How cute.
We all took showers and got changed in time for my mom to stop bye with our Christmas Jammies.
It's 70 degrees outside so we opened outside/we may have lingering COVID in our house
So good to see my mom!! Has been a long time since we have hung out!

We chatted a bit with my mom then she headed home to hang with my step dad and Stephen. Normally they would come here for appetizers, but because of Covid maybe in our house still we will got over there tomorrow.
So just our family of 4 tonight!!
Look at these cuties!!
Had to get some adorable pictures tonight, since we have been in sweats for a month!!

We watched another Marvel Movie!! Obsessed!!
I made lots of appetizers! Lots of work but the yummines is worth it forsure!!
Brucshetta, Chicken Flautas, Shrimp Cocktail, Rotel, Stuffed Mushrooms, Jalapeno Poppers, and Guac! Everyone enjoyed!

And I got to use all my new cute Black and White Buffalo Checked partyware!! It's so cute.

My poor friend Bekah's kids have Covid so she sent me a picture of champagne bye her tree so I did the same!
Cheers to my Covid Christmas friends Eva and Bekah!
We ate a little early for dinner, then I finally got my family out and about to go see Christmas Lights!!
Because of Covid we haven't been able to go to any!!
1st up Paulie's Penguins
It was so nice out still Ella and I didn't need jackets!
We are happy to be out of the house!!! Yay!!
Giant Penguin!
1st Family picture in a while!

Ella liked this one a lot!
I liked this one because it popped out!

Next up the Community Center! These are my favorite lights, we didn't want to drive to Sar Ko Park so this is next best forsure!
I love this tree this year.

Love these!

Blue big ball!! Ella being silly.

Running to the lights.

So pretty with the reflection!!

Haven't gotten to hug her much, so I did!

Daddy and his oldest!

Pretty purple tree pic!

Ella by the yellow tree.

Up next Ridgeview Neighborhood!
Christmas Story House.
Love the green and red lights!
White and red lights are pretty also.
Trump Santa!
(He looks weird)
My favorite house.
Closest Christmas Vacation House.
Grinch house.
Cool Rainbow changing lights!
Up next random house that has HUGE blow up's!! I mean as BIG as their house!

Crazy BIG!!!
Then cruised by Jeff, Nick's brother house to see his snowman.

The neighbor behind Jeff's was crazy awesome!

We went through Nottingham on our way home also.
We had a great Christmas Eve as just as 4!
This month has been slow but fast at the same time. Christmas just snuck up on us, as Adelyn said with us all being sick!
Now time for these girls to go to bed so Santa can come!!


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