Monday, December 27, 2021

December 12th (Happy Birthday Nick)

Well it's a Covid Birthday for Nick this year. 
Wow what a crappy wife I am to give him Covid on his birthday! Oops. Sorry Honey! 
One we will remember forever.
We just hung out at home.
Got Ella's results back, she is POSITIVE now!! Wow great, ha. I figured she would. 
Adelyn's NEGATIVE!!
(The night before Nick thought he felt better so he headed to Carrabas to pick up dinner but when he was in the car and heading home he felt worse. So he didn't eat much and went to bed early.)
Today he felt better and ate his leftovers.
My mom dropped off his present from them and a Dairy Queen Oreo Cake.

1st up Present from my Parents.

New pair of Hey Dudes!
Now our gift.

His shocked face when he sees the bag is full of presents.

Lots of new clothes.

New brown dress up more shoes.

New coffee mug with pictures from this year.

New Carhartt hat for work!
He also got candy and some other stuff.
Time for cake.

Covid birthday picture! Social distancing from Adelyn.
We ate Lasguana for dinner that Lizzie gave us.
(I still can't taste)
Sorry about the picture babe. You closed your eyes in both that I took! 
We sang him happy birthday and enjoyed some ice cream cake.
I actually could taste sweetness!!?? Hmmm!


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