Saturday, December 18, 2021

November 28th (Christmas Village/Volleyball/Old Time Pottery/Decorating The Tree)

I love that Adelyn does the Christmas Village now!
She really enjoys it.

Looks awesome. Way different than what I would have done!! Love it!

Took Adelyn to Volleyball for just one session, so I had an hour to kill in Independence. 
Old Time Pottery here I come!
Sent this picture to Ruth and Lizzie. Since we went here together in the past a few times.
It seemed over priced this time.
When I walked into to get Adelyn, this is what the sky looked like! So pretty!
Nick had dinner ready when we got home for the most part. So we could decorate the tree before bed!
All the pretty ornaments!!

Adelyn is so tall now she can reach up higher!

Our huge Santa Ornament.

An ornament from Isabella at KC Cheer from a few years ago.

New ornament from my parents basement, that was Nanny's. She collected a lot of ornaments.

Angel Wings from Lizzie for Dana!! Sure miss ya gal, still can't believe this is real.

Great Weekend as a family!!


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