Saturday, December 18, 2021

November 30th (Pretty Sky/Dana's Funeral/Ella Matching/Hanukah Fairy)

This morning I woke up to this beautiful sky!! Dana must be shining down on us!!

Today is the day of Dana's funeral. Nick and I went together and sat bye Eva and Rob. It was a long funeral and super sad. The Priest shared Dana's life story which just made me cry over and over again!! Nick and Rob left after the funeral party, while Eva and I went in the visitation part for awhile to chat with friends. A bunch of us then headed up to Mi Ranchito to get cheese dip and talk! I opted to get dinner to bring home since Addie had volleyball, well it took awhile but I got it and headed home. Addie ate real quick then Ella and I took her to volleyball on time. Nick had gone back to work before I got home from Mexican Restaurant. Crazy day and night. So exhausting!!

I bought Ella these jammies on clearance a few months ago and I gave them to her today!! Matching with her baby.

Then our friend Sarah is Jewish so we had a Hanukah Fairy each night of Hanukah. I signed up for tonight not knowing it was Dana's funeral at the time. Then on top of things Walgreens didn't make my wood picture for her. So I had to run to Walmart for a frame!! Nick also snuck in a few "special gummies" for her!! Sarah lost her brother before Dana. She has had a lot going on!! She really needs to relax. Love ya girl!!
Long Exhausting Day!!
Night Night.


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