Tuesday, December 10, 2019

November 30th (Crown Center/Science City)

Putting up the snow village!
Adelyn is a great helper and loves to set this up with me every year.
Ella isn't the best helper yet...ha.

Taking a picture of Nick cleaning...lol.
Love my copper tree the most with leopard!
We got ready and headed down to crown center/union station around 2:30.
Playing on playground at crown center.

Big Tree!!
Its so windy...trying to get a picture with my girls.

Max is here now with Uncle Jeff!

Sooooo windy.
Daddy/Ella picture.
He is such a cutie.

We finished playing and decided to walk over to Union Station.

Ella was our leader today.

Finally got to sit on the bench!

This place was SUPER crowded!!

Jeff and Max.
Time to go to Science City!
Max has never been.

Max loved the snakes!
Super cool chameleon.

Who can go up faster!! Haha.

Max liked it!!

Climbing up!!

Uncle Jeff is headed up.

Nick is going up now!

Ohhh here go the boys racing with the kids. Nick is shoving Ella up and Jeff is shoving Max up to see who can win!

I see you all..Ella was scared.

We had a lot of fun in science city. Max loved going from place to place.
We left to go look at mini trains, but they had little shops in the big area...so took awhile to get to the trains. That's why it must have been so crowded!

Love the mini trains. They changed it a little bit this year!

A dome on Santa's village...love it!

A little school!

An amazing Lego Zoo!!! I loved it.

Not the best picture...but there was a baby!! Sooooo cute.

Time to walk back over to crown center to leave to go eat dinner.
Family picture in front of the tree in the hotel!!
I wish Ella was smiling.
We drove by plaza lights on the way to go eat dinner at Carraba's!

We had to wait about 40 minutes to eat dinner, but it was worth it!! Super yummy Italian!!
Nice eating dinner with Jeff, Sasha and Max!!
Time to get these tired girls to bed.
My puppy wanted to snuggle with me!!
Great family day!

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