Wednesday, December 18, 2019

December 13th (4th Annual Sock Exchange @ Bekah's House)

Eva picked up Ruth and I to go to Beakah's for some girls night fun!!
Friend time!!

Eva and Sarah stole my phone to do this!!
 It was nice to catch up with friends tonight...we have all been so busy!!

 I think this one is the best. Carder a 6 year old took this!
Bekah, Lizzie, Me, Cyrena, Erin, Ruth, April, Sarah, Eva, Brandi and Vicky.
 Time to do our sock exchange and see what everyone got!!

Thanks Carey...she couldn't make it with family in town. Love them!

All my goodies from my socks!!
Sock picture!!
This was so fun.
Vicky is on PTO with us and she got wasted!!! Ha.
Best night in a while!!

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