Thursday, December 5, 2019

November 22nd (Royals/Chiefs Behind the Scene 5th Grade Field Trip/Violet & Daphne's B-day Party)

Snapchat fun with Ella before school! 
We look so smart.
Field Trip Day!!
The mom's are ready to hit the road to the amazing 5th Grade Field Trip!!
 Erin, Carey, and Sarah all got on field trip from Odoherty's rm. Ruth and two other parents from Knoelke. And then Ashlee, myself and another parent from Seward!
Yay so excited to hang with these ladies.
Ruth and Ashlee were in my car!
 We all look so cute!!
(Glad my husband has lots of warm Chiefs stuff because its freezing today!!)
Royals up first!!
Dugout...super cool to be so close to the field.

 Adelyn class with her teacher!!

 Where they do press at!! They also told us how they will have new owners on Monday!!

 The visitor locker room!

This is were all the reporters sit to watch and take notes for the game.

They even open the windows which sometimes balls fly through and hit the wall!!
Oh geez...ha. 
The picture down below is an indention of a ball.
Time to do a map game.

Lunch time with all groups back together again.
We found Daphne!!
Missed having Lizzie on this field trip!
Found some of the ladies walking over to the Chiefs Stadium!!

We got to go through the fancy way to the stadium.
Much nicer than the Royals!! Hopefully new owners will help do a little more to the Royals.

This suite is only $300,000 to rent out!!
Holy SHIT!!!
The cheapest is $50,000!!
Walking by all the suites.
 Fancy art along the way.

 The white building is where the chiefs players are the facility!! They said they are usually only at Arrowhead only 7 or 8 times a year. Ha. Funny...didn't know that.

 Time for the Chiefs Locker Room!
He is sitting in Mahomes locker!! Say what???!!! Amazing.

Pretty cool to be in their actual locker room.

Size 17 shoes of one of the players!! Wow!!

We got a picture in Mahomes locker!!
I touched my hand all over the wood so it was like touching him...hahha.

Tyrek hill

Walking out the tunnel like the gives you the goose bumps!! Pretty awesome.

 This stadium is huge!! Looking up like the players!! This would be so exciting to play on the field and have that big of a crowd.
Love being able to do this moments with her.

Me and Ashlee.
Ashlee, Mrs. Seward (Kelly) and Myself.
She is a great teacher!

 Bar near the locker room...I wonder if this is were the players have a drink or the press since that is nearby also??
 Press room! Just got it re done recently.
Now time to go play in the Chiefs educational room.

Green screen...they are cheerleaders...super fun.

 Aubree, Ethan, Luke (who looks like a mini Patrick Mahomes!!), and Cade.

Field trip is over!!
Kids had a field trip ever.

Back together.
Ruth rode with other moms to hit up Jose Peppers....I opted for 30 minutes at home before getting Ella. 
Extra photos from seesaw!

All in Chiefs gear! Ha.
After school we hung out and rested. Then it was time for Addie to head to Daphne and Violets combined birthday party!!

Nick, Ell and I headed up to Panera for dinner!! Yummy!
Adelyn stayed till 9 pm...super fun she said.

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