Wednesday, December 18, 2019

December 16th (SNOW DAY!!)

This morning we hung around the house....and I got stuff done for 5th grade parties. Then with Nick, who also had a snow day we headed up to Sam's for some stuff and lunch!
It kept snowing all day and was chilly!
After we got home around 1 we headed up to CT hill to go sledding.
Here we go!
The girls were so excited to sled...I mean they waited all day!! Ha.
Nick and Ella going down on the reindeer.
Weeee...go Ella!!

Nate and Eli came up.

All the kids racing each other!!
Well we stayed about 1 1/2 but it just got to cold and with the snow constantly in your face we headed home to get some hot chocolate.
I hope they have school tomorrow because I have stuff to get done before winter break!!

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