Wednesday, December 18, 2019

December 14th (Home Time/Dino Den Work Party)

Shaving Cream fun for these two!!
I made the girls dinner and then my mom came over to watch the girls so I could head to my work Christmas party at the Bowling Alley!
Nick was at darts all day in Raytown, Mo.
Brittany is Renee's daughter who I used to have in school age room 15 years
I work with her in the baby room her!!
First Prize of the night!!
I won most festive, and Brittany won most ugly sweater!
We got these amazing head bands. Score.
We ate nacho bar for dinner and then it was time to bowl.
 Photo bomb with this high school kid in the background.
 Jan, Renee and Brittany.
 Glen (Angie's Husband), Angie and Natasha.
Lindsey and Natasha.
Not that many people came to the work party...wish more would have come!

We bowled a game...and I won again!!
This time I got this amazing Rudolf Nose that Lights up...the girls are going to love it.

Well then we got new groups to play blackout bingo bowling!!
Sounds fun and interesting.
Well we won!!
My third win I got a Chipotle gift card!! Wow...yay!!
Natasha and Angie were my partners.

I wore Nick's ugly sweater from a few years ago..forgot to get a picture of me with it on till I got home!
I got home around 9..thanks mom for watching and putting the girls to bed!
Nick didn't get home till 10:30!!
Great 2nd night out with friends.

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