Sunday, December 15, 2019

December 7th (Cheerleading Competition/Christmas Lights)

Ready to go to Cheer Competition downtown KC....earliest time so far!! 8:30 we caught a ride with Isabella and Mary! I love that she drives and then I pay parking!!
 Some of the team members!!
Sophia, Asha, Isabella, Ella, Arcillea, and Lauren.
Isabella and Ella...good buddies.

Here we go!!
I took a video with my camera and tried to take pictures with my phone in my left hand...haha.

Ella and her buddy!!
She is so sweet with Ella...all of the helpers have been amazing with all of our girls.
Me and my girl!!

 Team picture! Ha.

Wouldn't be able to do this without this lady!!
We headed home after our turn and got back around 12 ish.
Adelyn got picked up by my mom around 9ish and went to her house to help decorate her trees.
Then my mom brought her back once we got home.
Nick was at work a little longer then got home to hang out.
I went to the store and when I came home Addie and Daddy were playing cute!
Creepy pic though Addie! Lol.
 After dinner we headed out to go see some Christmas Lights!
 Our pretty lights!!
 Deanna Rose Fun!!
 At first there was some arguing because we had a tree in front of our view, but then we got a better spot so Adelyn got better! This place was super crowded though...most people I have ever seen here. Crazy!!
 I love coming gets better each year!!

Charlie Brown as we left...we then headed to Nottingham to see a few friends houses that decorate awesome!
 My friend Beth who used to live in my neighborhood is now in Nottingham but still has there awesome tree that you tune into on a radio station!!

 Next stop the Zygmunt family...they went all out this year!! I mean more than Christmas Vacation!!
Time to head home!!
Love me some Christmas Lights...can't wait to go see more soon.

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