Friday, December 6, 2019

November 23rd (Mom Night Out!!)

We had some pre drinks at Carey's before we came...then we left for dinner in Erin's van.
Coach's For Dinner
 Sarah, Erin and Carey!!
 How many pictures do we need to take to get a good one??? April is the deciding factor...haha.

 Crazy shot!!
We ordered like 50 appetizers and couldn't eat it all!!! many yummy choices at Coach's!
We headed back to Carey's to have a drink and catch an Uber to go see a live band!
Snapchat fun coming at ya!!

I need this pretty filter for life!!

 Group selfie!!
(Side note: We had an older, much older than us full on making out behind me!! Gross!!)

 Oh April!!

 April's faces crack me up!!

Well we ended up rotating around to all the bars and dancing. I was ready to leave about 12 but not everyone else. We didn't leave till after 1!!
Love my momsquad...but this mom is tired!! Ha.

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