Sunday, August 7, 2016

July 29th (1st day of Vacation...Traveling to Nashville!!)

Excited to go on our longest ever driving trip. They were both super excited..but I think they didn't understand how far really had to travel!! 
Awesome bridge we went over!

Opening some new toys into the car.

 We made it to St. Louis right around lunch time!! We decided to cross over to Illinois to eat since St. Louis is more crowded.
                                                  Loved this bridge.

We wanted to find a McDonald's with a play place to let the girls play and then get back on the road quickly. And as luck has it there was one right over the line...but it turned out being the dirtiest, grossest Mcdonald's I have ever been in!! Gross! But we made the most of it and they had an awesome play place.

Silly Daddy went up with the girls!

And she was out only 15 minutes back into the car.
Another cool bridge.

I missed Tennessee's road sign! 
                                                             I see Nashville.

Traffic in Nashville is crazy and on the way there from st. louis was crazy long!! We didn't make as good as time as we wanted.

Look at this crazy cement mixer!! Of coarse Daddy noticed it.

Huge buses just like they have in California.
We headed straight to the restaurant since it was already 6:30.
Everyone was happy to get out and about.
The restaurant was a little full so we had 45 minutes to kill so we walked around since there is a lot to see.

 We found a candy store which was super super expensive so we just looked around!

 As we walked around we heard lots of music and there were tons of restaurants. So much fun.

Finally we got to sit down to eat. I found this place from a blog and it looks amazing.
They also had lots of drinks, they are known for having drinks with moon shine.
I got a peach drink that tastes like a yummy peach tea!!
Yummy fried pickles for Adelyn. She loves those things.
This is what I was chicken and macaroni.
Then we got a pepperoni pizza and a wedge salad.
Everything was so yummy!! I would definitely recommend this place! 

                                              1st family vacation picture!
Dancing in the street with all the great music in the restaurants and bars.
We found one more candy stop which was more reasonable and the girls got some taffy.
Nick also found some treats to much on.
Very cool look inside the store. 

                           Very cool city at night....we also found a ferry on the river all lit up.

Our hotel room...super nice. 
Ella is hiding under the covers...super silly.
We are ready for bed now and to discover more of Nashville tomorrow!!

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