Wednesday, August 17, 2016

August 16th (RP Signs/Sneek a Peek)

 This morning we helped put Welcome to Regency Place signs in the new people and kindergarten yards. We had a map and about 12 kids houses. The girls and I just drove around and Adelyn put them in everyone's yard. She loved it.
Then we went home to eat and meet Joanne and Crystal at Forrest Glen pool for a couple hours of swimming. We ran into April T and met a new friend Carmen. Fun playing.
We then headed home to relax and eat dinner before Sneek a Peek at Heatherstone and Regency Place.
I didn't take any pictures at Ella's school since she has the same teacher and pretty much same everything.
Adelyn though is in 2nd grade and a new teacher Mrs. Peterson!
Tinsley, Adelyn and Delaney are all in the same class!!
Adelyn has the same locker number...2!
                   Love, love this photo....Tinsley, Daphne, Cora, and Adelyn.

 Playing in the hamburgers is one of their favorite things to do.
 Our school had free Kona Ice we let the girls play long enough that the line died down to finally get one! Yum.
 What a great night. Adelyn's teacher seems super nice and I have heard she is the sweetest. The girls loved playing on the play ground with all their friends. And the night was just gorgeous out!! Adelyn is super excited for tomorrow...1st day of 2nd grade!!
Both tired tonight...Ella struggled with going to sleep again. She wont sleep in her bed, or in our room right now. So now the only place is on the couch....and this is not the routine I like!!
As they slept I made up some teacher gifts. These are the most adorable plastic coffee cups....I put in coffee, tea and some chocolates. Hope the teachers love them and know how much I appreciate what they do for my girls.

Oh Adelyn how I love you!!

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