Wednesday, August 10, 2016

August 3rd (Murray Family Beach Fun/Last Day!!)

Ella started swimming by herself in the water. She loved it and would ride the waves!!

Life guard on duty!! Side Note: We ended up talking to this 16 year old life guard later and he is from MO and has been to Olathe for swim meets in his past!! But yes at 16 you can be a lifeguard in Destin with only 3 months of training...I was a little nervous at that point! But cool to meet someone that who has heard of Olathe, KS!!

Drinking water like a baby...haha..she had sand on her hands so Daddy helped her!

         Look who finally made it...The Murray Family!! Yay...can't believe they are here.

Laura, Tinsley, Adelyn, Charlee and excited to play with friends.

Adelyn was so excited to see Tinsley!!

Funny Crystal and her family were suppose to come to Destin this week just like us. Not planned together but it was just working out that way. So anyways they decided not to come because they are putting a pool in next year so saving money. Well Reggie had work off still for the week and got bored on Monday and said lets just go Destin!! So they got packed and headed out to come to Destin last minute without a condo booked. Luckily they found one as they were driving down and we got lucky to spend our last day with them.

A big hole some kids dug.
                                                           Frisbee fun.

We headed back to our condo later after lunch time. Today was the hottest day and we all got sun burned on top of our tan. Super hot day today!! After we went back for a rest and a pool dip we met up with the Murray's at one of their favorite restaurants (since they have been here 10 times) for dinner around 5:00.
Just trying to get a picture of how huge these awesome houses are around here. Very pretty.
Another wedding happening. Very pretty.

The restaurant we ate was pretty good.

Nick trying an oyster for the first time...he liked it.
Laura eating an oyster...she usually likes them but if they are prepared differently so after this bit she felt sick. LOL. Poor Laura.
Oh my goodness two of the cutest little girls ever.
Time to hit up the beach by the Murray's condo.

Adelyn and Tinsley are off to hang by themselves. These two are two peas in a pod.
These cute houses are for rent...we talked of getting one together some time together!!

Loving our new friendship!

 Destin 2016

Laura is a cheerleader!! Go Laura.
Now she got her dad doing hand stands with her. Go Reggie.

They are just too cute...and Adelyn has gotten so tan, they are about the same skin tone as well. 
                                                        Looking for shells.

A storm was starting to move in. Lightning started happening and the guys said it was fine...Crystal and I were freaked out.

My camera on my phone started fogging up due to the weather.

Pretty Laura.
Ella trying to pose like Laura.

Wow what a great day of being at the beach. It was sure fun meeting  up with friends from home. It makes the trip a little more special. And the night was just gorgeous. Can't wait to come back here sometime soon!! 

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