Tuesday, January 17, 2023

January 8th (Adelyn's 1st Official V-ball Tournament-Independence/Ella's 1st Bowling League/Sylas & Maddy's)

This weekend Nick was at his dart tournament at the Lake of the Ozarks.
So I had to be super organized with all the events going on with the girls. I got Adelyn a ride this morning at 6:30 am for the tournament.
Then I got Ella up a little later to eat breakfast and to get ready to head to the tournament for most of the day.
I got a big pork butt in the crockpot before we left for the tournament!
We got out to the tournament at 9:20ish.
They started at 8:00 and play typically all day!
They were playing well, only lost 1 set out of 4.

They won! Great job.
The lighting it horrible at this gym.

Then there was the Turkey!
People that live next to volleyball place have Chickens, who we met last year. They have holes in their fence so they get out. Don't know why they don't fix them?
Any who now they have a giant Turkey!! He is super friendly.

Addie vs. our old teammate Izzy.
Go Addie.
Adelyn vs another old teammate Jaelyn.
We had are whole team together for the 1st time! yay!
Ella keeping score with Denise!
I love how everyone else can entertain Ella for me! Ha.
I made lunch stuff for all of us so we ate on the lunch break.
Adelyn was playing great!!
We were up high so hard to see sometimes.
Go Adelyn.
Ella and I made it till around 1:30.
Adelyn's team was done playing for the time. They had a rest then to ref two games. They got the number 1 seed so they have to wait!
Since they weren't going to play for awhile and Ella had bowling at 3 we had to head home.
Nick headed home early from Dart Tournament since he wasn't feeling well. He kept saying he wasn't hung over but I know that's what it was.
Wish he could have picked Ella up from volleyball and take her to bowling but that didn't happen.
Ella and I got home around 2:15, hung out. I cleaned up a little then we headed to Olathe Bowling Alley for her first Bowling League through Miracle League. And lots of her friends are on the team! Yay!
Ella was so excited to see her friends.

I couldn't remember Lily was going to be there. Ella was so excited to see her.

All the helpers are so great!
Go Lily.
Go Brianna.
We over heard Necia telling Lily that they were going to go get ice cream with Lily's brother and Dad.
Well Ella wanted ice cream and Necia was so gracious to invite us and anyone else who wanted to come. So Taylor's family came also.
Well I forgot Ella's bib so Necia took Ella and I ran home to get her bib!
We met at Sylas and Maddy's.
Ella, Taylor and Lily having fun together!!
Their ice cream is the best!

Adelyn still hadn't played yet.
Ella and I got home around 5. 
I started prepping the pulled pork and sides.
Nick was relaxing on the couch. Must be nice!
Then I started getting updates from the mom's about the girls playing. 
They were playing so well.
And they WON!!!
Yay, the beat everyone!
6 other teams!! Great job! They got Gold Medals!

Love all these photos!

Amber took this photo for me!
Thanks girl.
Ava, Amber's daughter! They are too cute together.
Glad I am so close with the volleyball mom's!!

So so proud of her!!
She worked her butt off.
She even got a little emotional when playing since a ref kept calling stupid things on her. And I felt bad because it was when I wasn't there!
But she shook it off and they won!! 
We all ate dinner/Addie ate when she got home around 6:30.
That is a long, long day on a Sunday!!
I cleaned up all of dinner then we all took showers to get ready for school tomorrow!!
Ugh that was a long, long day!! 


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