Sunday, January 1, 2023

December 21st (Ella Advent/Donuts/Ella's Babies/Bathroom/Chick-fila Knock Off)

Ella got the Panda, from the movie Turning Red. 
She loves loves this movie.
Can you believe this is that funny comedian lady that used to be curvy! 
She looks so weird now?
These women and losing weight, sad that's what our society is.
Nick went and got us donuts! Yummy our favorite.

These are so good, but so expensive now.
Ella and I got a bunch of her babies ready for Christmas.

Today I did stuff around the house getting ready for baking the next 2 days.
Bathroom is looking good, Nick thinks he will get it done before Christmas still! 

Knock off Chick-fila nuggets, French fries and homemade ranch! Yummy. They really do taste like Chick-fila!
4 days till Christmas.


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