Friday, January 20, 2023

January 14th (New Reno-Walk In Pantry/Adelyn Ghost Hunting/Shopping/Talk of the Town/Ella Time)

Time to start a new reno!
We are finally taking the old laundry room and turning it into a walk in pantry!

I can't wait to have a pretty place to organize.
We took Adelyn to her Coach's house to go on a Ghost Hunt in a REAL Haunted hotel with his daughter Lillian and other friend Afton!
I was a little nervous but she was really excited.
Hope its fun and not too scary, Haha.
Nick, Ella and I headed to Ikea to look around for a ideas and things we might want for the pantry. We want a cabinet inside to put mops and brooms.
Found this pantry I like. We will look into it!
Ikea was WAYYY to crowded, Saturday isn't the best day to go! Ugh, all the lights made me get a headache. Ella did really well going through the whole thing!
We ran to a couple floor/carpet stores to look into Vinyl Flooring so we don't have to do any tile.
We started to get hungry so we headed to Talk of the Town for dinner.
We haven't been there in forever. It was ok, not bad. 
When we came out from dinner the sky looked like cotton candy!! We headed to Walmart to let Ella buy something with her money she brought with her. I ended up winning her a Dinosaur with the hand grabbing machine on the first shot! Ha. Ella picked something out and then she picked out her own small ice cream to eat when we got home!

We had a busy day. But fun to get out and about! I texted Adelyn before I went to bed and she was having a good time!


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