Friday, January 6, 2023

December 31st (New Years Eve-Putting together The Basketball Game/Go Cart Fun/New Years Eve Dinner/Fun Together)

Nick was excited to put his pop a shot together!
Not!! Lol.

Yay. Looing good!
Before dark we took Ella for a walk with her go kart and Mayva on the leash!
It was really nice outside today, we had to get out for a little while!

She did ok but still is hard for her to push with her thumb.
Daddy decided to do it on the way home, Ella was done.

Now she joined Daddy.

I think she is having fun.
Then last minute I had to run up to Walmart to get the girls some sparkling grape juice that I thought I had! Ugh!
Luckily I was in and out! 
But it was pretty in the parking lot.

Dinner table is ready!
Watching some more Wednesday before dinner.
Time to eat, yummy Crab Legs! Lots of Crab Legs!!

Happy girls, its her favorite!
And she can do them herself, which is even better!

After I cleaned up I got the new game ready to play!
I saw on lots of videos from Facebook.

We were going to do land on the tape but that was harder, so in between tape you win whatever prize that is there!

We won Mini Brands, with Marvel stuff inside.
I got Thor's Hammer!! Haha. Yes!

Root beer.
We turned on New Year's Eve shows to watch the singing and dancing parts.
Not the best this year, except Usher!!
I made up the chocolate fondue. Yummy.
Everyone's favorite is the fondue!
I got free Wendy's frosty's that we had a coupon book that needed to be used by today.
After we headed downstairs to do pop a shot and video games!

Snapchat while we watch Adelyn!
My lip is busted again but I am on medication, hopefully it heals quickly!
Oh my gosh these faces are so funny.
We were cracking up.

Adelyn's was so funny.
I'm bald!
Old lady Ella.
Nick looks like his Dad.

The crying one is the best! Hahha.

Ella stayed up till 10ish. 
Got her to bed then we followed suit around 11.
Happy New Year!
Here's to having a happy, healthy, and fun 2023~!


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