Friday, January 14, 2022

January 5th (Rob & Rick here/Getting Things Done)

Getting ready to move this washer and dryer up today!! Yay!!
Rick came over to get the plumbing all squared away!! It's getting closer and closer.

Before Washer and Dryer.

Just have to give another coat or two on the closet shelves and I can move my clothes in!
Looking prettier in the bathroom, but then there is the bedroom!! Haha.
Here it goes!!

We have wait a few more weeks for the glass and glass door!
Ella can't wait to take a shower in here!

Soon to be shower door in a few weeks. Across Nick built in shelves and will have hooks for our towels!

The tub is in!! Love it!! Just what we wanted!!
The old laundry room!!
Soon to be walk in pantry.

Loving my bathroom.
Got Ella's room all cleaned up and organized. Been wanting to do this since the day after Christmas!!
So excited about our bathroom getting closer and closer!


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