Wednesday, January 5, 2022

December 30th (Grandpa A.D.'s House/Gifts/Winstead's w/Grandma Joy & Uncle Stevie)

My mom drove to my house then we went bye my Grandpa A.D's to visit and exchange gifts since we had Covid and he had Covid. Plus he was stuck in the Rehab Facility until 2 days ago.

Adelyn got a jewelry box that will need to be put together. She will eventually have a new bedroom to use it with, one day! Lol. 
Ella got a new microwave with cutting food. Since her other one bit the dust.
The girls played while we chatted with Grandpa and Aunt Cindy!
It was nice to see him! He was happy to be home.
Then my mom, me and the girls headed to Winstead's to meet my brother.
Good old Winstead's never disappoints and is always the same!!

Yummy yummy in our tummies!!
Today was fun to get out and about again!
Then I came home to clean more and finish Christmas being put away!
(Side Note: Yesterday April T. called and said Trey woke up not feeling well and she did a test and it is Covid. We were around him at Main Event but Adelyn wasn't near him the whole time! Fingers Crossed she doesn't get sick!!)


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