Monday, January 3, 2022

December 25th (Merry Christmas-Santa/Presents/Breakfast/Parent's House Presents & Dinner)

Looks like Santa came!!
Mayva got some toys and Oliver a new scratcher!
These will be two happy girls! I think they both got what they wanted.
Adelyn wanted her own tablet!

Ella wanted Gabby's Dollhouse!!
(Which luckily Santa bought back in September or he wouldn't have been able to get one)

We were up before the girls this year, well the first year ever!! It wasn't till 8 am!! Wow! We had to wake up Ella!

She was excited on a video I took.
And she got a case for it, galaxy that she loves.

Ella was super excited also.

The real people Flintstones Movie. She was excited.
Stocking time.

Reindeer Poop! ha.

Make up was on both their list.

Stickers for her water bottles!

Fidget spinner.
Alpaca Pop It.

Volleyball Keychain. 
Make up brushes.

Aaron's putty.
Daddy's turn to open his stocking.

Clear Safety glasses, and candy.
New Chiefs coozie for his beers.
Lots of bath and body works in my stocking.

Ella with all her presents!
Sister picture.

Adelyn with all her presents.

Beanie Babies, for both of them to share.
She loved the rat beanie baby.

Pretty arrowhead necklace from Megan that makes jewelry.
More Gabby.

New baby doll.

A box full of new baby clothes and accessories.
Horoscope box of gems, necklace and other goodies. She is into this stuff.

She was so excited about her new Rainbow Rainboots!!
A bag full of fidget stuff!!
A Warmie Sloth, you warm them in microwave and then snuggle.

She loved this boat and helicopter this summer that Pierce had.
Magic 8 Ball.

Barbie doll head to do make up and hair.

Batman helmet! Ella needed a helmet to fit her!

Divergent Series!! She was excited.

New doctor kit to go with her baby.

Extra Barbie.
Warmie for Addie also, a Seal.

Breakable gem set, really cool.

Funny shirt because she loves Cheesitz.

Yoda stuff!!
Stuffed animal, dress, underwear and slippers.

She was saying a box, how cool....hahaha.
Fun lego set I found on clearance! Biggest one she has ever done.

I think they got a lot of cool stuff!!
Two happy little girls.
Mommy's turn!

Bath and body works whole set of stuff and a pioneer woman apron.

Pioneer woman bowls! yay.

I wanted this blanket!! Yay!
Thanks Honey I love it all!
A little tool that does lots of stuff.
Playing with her doctor kit already.
New Chiefs cup and water bottle.

Nike Hoodie!!
There is a rat on your head Addie.
New Barbeque stuff.
New wallet.

Stretch Arm Strong!! 
This was a funny gift, we saw a Batman one in the store but I found this one on clearance.

Stretch!!! Haha.

Before we make dinner family jammie photo!
Love it!!
How cute is my family!

Mayva getting her toys out!
I made a big breakfast for us!! Yummy!

Adelyn started her Lego set, while Ella played with and got all her toys opened by Dad!
After I cleaned up breakfast we video chatted my mom so she could watch Adelyn open her big present from her and my step dad! It was at our house because it is heavy and we were supposed to open presents here like normal until we got Covid.
She doesn't know what it could be.

Dumping it out!!

Adelyn's face, haha!

It's going to be a bean bag!! She was excited, it is huge!
Make up time on her Barbie.

Looking good.
Someone is happy still with her bone from the Grandparents.
We hung out around the house, then got ready to go to my parents at 2 pm!
Love these!!

I am so excited about getting out of the house!! 
And to see my family.

Stocking time from the Grandparents.

2021 Christmas Photo!

Marley Kitty! He always has to be in the action.
That's a lot of presents.

Hunger Games series, she is excited.
Silly kitty!
Trolls singing boom box.

Cooking set from Sam's Club she wanted.
Excited girl to get money from Uncle Steve.
My turn.
Yay Pioneer woman 7 quart crockpot!!

More Pioneer serving wear!
I got to have a Pioneer Woman Christmas this year!!

Pull up bar Nick wanted!
Hat for Stephen.

My mom loves Camo, she was so excited for her hat!

He wanted a projector, Stephen was excited.
New Jewelry from Megan for my mom.

Tree serving dish! yay
More bath and body works! Ha.

Love love this! Can't wait to use in the summer or at parties.

My mom got use these cute mugs along with starbucks coffee for Nick and hot chocolate for me!
I wonder what Nick got??

His own Chain Saw!!!
(So funny story, we never need a chain saw but this summer Nick had to rent one on numerous occasions. So I thought this would be a good gift!!)
He love love loved it!!
What great gifts we all got, thanks mom and David!!
Now time for some appetizers, while we wait for Prime Rib!

Me and my mom.

Grandma and her girls.

Ella playing with her mini mixer, so cute.
Sparkling apple cider!
Wow that looks amazing!!

It is perfectly cooked, thanks David!!
Merry Christmas for sure with this meal!!
After I helped my mom clean up dinner for the most part we headed to living room to have a glass of champagne!
Thanks for such a nice evening away from our house mom! ha.

Group Selfie!!
We kept it small this year for Christmas because my cousin's kid was exposed to Covid right before. Luckily we got over our Covid in time. Neighbor Shane came over also for a little while. This is his beautiful tree across the street!
We headed home to watch some tv and relax!
Adelyn and her kitty!
The bean bag is looking more like a bean bag.
Baby kitty after cuddling with Addie.
Nick fell asleep before the girls! 
What a Merry Merry Christmas, it just always goes to fast!!


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