Friday, January 28, 2022

January 15th (Snow/Ice Storm-CT Sledding/Hot Chocolate/Steak Soup/Covid Delivieries)

Beautiful winter wonderland in our backyard!

Ella was so ready to go outside today!!
After lunch I got her already to play outside our house for a little while before we headed up to CT hill.

Adelyn found Daphne and Emerson to hang with.

Glad Nick came, so I didn't have to do much! Ha.
And let me tell you it is FREEZING out!!
I would take my hand out to take pictures and it would be SOOO cold!!!

Happy girl.
Penguin sledding on their bellies.

Standing isn't easy! Ha she wiped out.

Happy family.

Happy girl!

Took my picture of me watching everyone! Its so cold though.

Daphne didn't make it down.

Violet and Ella together.

All three going down together!!
Oh to be in 7th grade again!

Kenna, Taylor and Addison are here.

Adelyn went the farthest going down!!

April M and Ruth.

The girl crew minus Ella who wanted to keep sledding.

We stayed about an hour or more then headed home to get some hot chocolate!! It is too cold!!

Look who I found!!
Oliver sitting on the heater vent!
Making 1 1/2 batches of steak soup for dinner tonight and to take to 2 friends that have covid right now!
I have brownies and soup for Carey and Nate. Then soup and birthday present for Sarah!! Poor thing has her birthday and covid together! Ugh yuck!! Hope they all feel better soon! Miss hanging with my friends.


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