Friday, March 5, 2021

March 1st(1st Day of ALL Middle Schoolers back/KCTV5/Mom Fun/Swinging)

So last night Lizzie texted everyone to come take a first day picture of the 6th graders! 
Well we pull up and KCTV5 news was in her driveway?? What??
They were going to video middle schooler going to school at CT and just happen to come over and interview our kids!! Say What?? How cool!
Taylor talking.

Adelyn said how she was nervous with all the kids, but that didn't make it on the segment!

Little girls chatting it up!
April T also brought donuts.
6th Grade picture!! Not everyone made it!

After the news/photo shoot, Ella got ready for school and wore Daddy's hat for hat day!
Around 11:15 I was off to Lizzie's house to ride with these 3 other ladies to Torchy's for lunch and a little retail shopping!
Love spending time with them. Some of my favorite people. We had to celebrate the 1st day!!
After school enjoying this nicer weather and her swing!
The next few days are going to be even nicer!!
I think she loves her swing!
What a great Monday for a change!
Hope Adelyn's week goes well and she gets up on time!
Also Adelyn was on the news all day! Ha!! Great memories were made today!


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