Sunday, March 28, 2021

March 15th (Day 4: Playing/YMCA Sledding/Rocky Mountain Drive/Mexican Night/Hot Tub)

Kids have been sleeping good luckily!
They also have played wonderfully today, well Ella occasionally has an issue. ha.
Playing pet store and pet adoption place this morning.
Ella made her own little fort.
After lunch we headed out to the YMCA resort place to go sledding down their hill!

Big Icicles! 
Spotted a deer.

This isn't a normal YMCA it has a campground, hotel, apartments, pool, tennis, food...etc!
Ella hiding behind the sign.
Love this shot!! GORGEOUS outside!!

Heading to the hill to sled. Pretty good size.

In the middle there were moguls, we called them. They made you get a lot of air!! So that wasn't the best for their first times down. Oops. 

Addie getting some air. 

And then wiping out! Ouch! She was ok!

Rob and Ewan.
They got some air too!
Ella going down with Rob and Ewan.
I went up and down a couple times.

Addie and me...not doing very well going down. Ha.
Adelyn ended up wiping out bad and crying. So I told her to go on her stomach instead.

Nick and Ella.
(This girl went down more than anyone!)

Evan didn't want to sled but enjoyed everyone else.
Ewan and Ella.

They played in the snow at the bottom also.
Porter hurt his hand so he enjoyed eating a bunch of snow.
Ella going by herself!

There she goes again.


Ella finally wiped out!!
But it didn't phase her at all, got back up and headed right back up the mountain!

After almost 2 hours we decided it was time to go but not before a group photo!

We had such a fun time sledding. It was super warm out with the sun!
We headed back to the townhouse, had snacks then got to go up to the Rocky Mountain National Park!
They got the roads cleared for about 3 miles to drive up!! yay!

So pretty and super clear roads.

Loving the views.

Wow love this!
We got out at a look out point! Eva found some deer on the other side. I zoomed in with my camera.

Love this family photo on top of the mountain!

Couldn't get a good zoomed in shot...showing snow amounts.

The sun, clouds, snow and mountains makes for a pretty picture.
We came back down to head back to make Taco Dinner!!

Cheese dip, guac and tacos for dinner!! Yummy! We also found the blender so Rob, a retired bartender made me a real pina colada along with some for my girls! Yum-o.

Look at this gorgeous sunset in the backyard!! Wow!!

This is our last night, but they are staying till Friday.

After dinner time for the kids to get in the hot tub!

They enjoyed looking up in the sky at all the stars! Adelyn really was impressed!

Eva's night view worked really well on her I phone!! Love this shot of the kiddos!! Ella was the last one in and didn't want to get out! They finished the night finishing spiderman movie. Then we enjoyed the hot tub one last time as adults after the kids were asleep! The stars were just magical! One of my favorite things about the trip!! Time to go to bed and get up to hit the road on our impromptu vacay!


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