Sunday, March 28, 2021

March 16th: (Day 5: Going Home)

 What a wonderful fun filled, snow filled, friend filled trip! The snow was just magical everywhere and getting away on spring break was amazing!! We said our goodbyes and headed out around 9:30 am! 

Bye bye Estes Park and Colorado Mountains! We will be back one day in the summer to do all the things we missed!

Pretty river that runs along the road.
Well with the time change from Colorado to Kansas and the Spring Forward we didn't get home till 9:30ish! We also had to eat out twice on the way home and Nick got a speeding ticket!! ($240!) It was nice to come home to our animals, but not so nice to come home to our destroyed Master Bath and Bedroom!! Oh the joys of renovating your house! Where was the magic fairy while we were gone!! Lol!

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