Saturday, March 27, 2021

March 12th (Going to Colorado: Day 1-Estes Park/Hotel/Dinner w/Friends)

Well yesterday at 9:30 a.m. we decided to head to Colorado with friends that had someone back out on them with their already planned trip!! Estes park is supposed to get 95 inches of snow!!! But we didn't care it's Colorado they clean their streets!! So I got everything ready, went to the store and we got on the road the next day by 8:30 a.m.!! Pretty good, hopefully we didn't leave anything! Ha.
I sent this to Eva while we were driving!! They left at 2:30 a.m. because Rob can never sleep before a trip! lol.
There is the border finally!! 
The KS drive is so BORING!!

Here come the mountains and getting close to Estes Park.

Loving the view!

I see a little bit of snow!

Coming into Estes Park...looking so pretty!
Yay we are here!!

Estes lake.
Ridgeline Hotel, were we are staying one night before the townhouse since we were worried about the snow coming in tomorrow!
We found the Stiver's. We got rooms right across the hall from each other. Then we headed to the game room! What a great idea for a hotel.
Time to head to dinner.
Me and my oldest ready to start vacay!

Kid table!!
Adult Table.
Food was ok not my favorite!
Heading back to the hotel to grab a drink and kids to go swimming!
They had 3 cool fire pits out in front of the hotel, so fun.

Walking in the halls you are supposed to wear your mask.
It was just funny to see Addie with her mask and swimsuit! So dumb!!
They even had a movie going at the pool! So fun!
Ella had fun even though I forgot her swimmy!
(I also forgot my toothbrush!)
There were a few other families staying there but it was pretty dead, which was great! Tomorrow we got word that we can check in early to the townhouse since the other people left tonight because of the snow!! Yay!

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