Sunday, March 28, 2021

March 14th (Day 3: SNOW/Playing In Snow/Snow Pina Colada)

WOW we woke up to a bunch of snow!! 
They were calling it a SNOWCOPOLASE but it was a lot but not as much as they said!! Probably 2 feet to 3 feet!
It looked sooo pretty!!
Rob out shoveling the path to the hot tub and around the side. 
It is still snowing so we wanted to keep up on it just in case a lot more was going to come.

Deep SNOW!!
The guys shoveled, got snow off cars and moved cars around just in case we needed to leave.
We hung out inside while the kids played.
Then the kids headed out with the dads while we got ready to go outside.
The left picture is from yesterday around 10 am.
The right was around 10 am today!
Wow this has changed since yesterday, snow wise!
So I followed Eva through the snow, which was wrong! Ha.
Instead of going down the plowed drive way we went through the TALL snow where her husband and boys went through! Luckily I am tall and have long legs, but Eva not so much! Ha.

Almost to the kids and dads.

Soooo DEEP here!

And its still snowing while we were out there.

We used the street to sled down! Wasn't the best but it worked. We would just move when another snow plow came through! Which there were about 100 of them!!

Having fun!

Snowing in Ella's face!!

Winter wonderland out here!
Addie is SO tall!!

Making a fort thing in the snow!

Porter in the act about to throw some snow!

Beautiful snow tree!
Ella and Nick.

Happy girl.

I came back in with Ella to get lunch going, frozen pizza.
Then everyone came into eat and relax a bit before going back out.
More Monopoly.
Watching tv, then time for more snow!

The dads made a ramp/sledding track for the kids.

Ella loved walking in the tall snow. She thought it was so funny.

Porter fell into the sewer thing, we couldn't see it!
These kids are too cute in the snow!
Ella (9), Adelyn (11), Porter (10), Ewan (8)

Nick going down the ramp.

Love the snow on the mountains.

Ella wanted to go with Rob.

Addie did the track. It was cool that they went under the trees.
Gorgeous views!

Ewan and Porter going together.
Eva took a shower and got cleaned up.
Shredding the chicken for dinner tonight. It was an Italian chicken thing over pasta. 
It was pretty good and easy.
Back yard view!
After all the snow fun the kids relaxed and then took showers to get cleaned up!

We couldn't find a blender and I really wanted a pina colada so I used my stuff plus snow!! It turned out super yummy and perfect consistency!! Yay!
(Ignore the creeper pickle eater in the background...haha)
The kids had hot chocolate after the snow fun also.
It tastes soooo yummy!
We all ate dinner together then the kids watched a movie.
Around 9 or so we put the tired kids to bed and we rented the movie Scary Stories like the books!
It was PG 13, so it wasn't the best but definitely some creepy parts!
Eva and I stayed awake while the guys passed out next to us!
Side Note: While I was locking up the sliding glass door I looked out the back and the stars were out!! Like SUPER amazing!! The snow had stopped so it was all clear out. 
Hopefully it will be clear tomorrow night and we can get in the hot tub to see the stars.


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