Tuesday, February 2, 2021

January 26th (Long day/Playdoh Fun)

Today was a long day. Adelyn was home for virtual today and was done with school super early, 9:30 am. Sooo today seemed super long, lots of disorganization and messes everywhere Ella went. Ella also hates doing school at home with me!! She love loves school. 
We broke out the new playdoh sets from Christmas.

Making candy playdoh. Gummi bears and chocolate.

Adelyn doing hair!
(I had a set just like this!!)

These are so cute.
Funny man Addie made.
Made a yummy dinner tonight!!
Beef tips, mashed potatoes, carrots and rolls!

I got to take Addie to volleyball so Nick could put Ella to bed and I could have a break!

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