Friday, February 26, 2021

February 12th (My 38th Birthday)

Sooo the morning didn't start out as I wanted it to. Nick got my NOTHING and did NOTHING! I was crying first thing, which isn't abnormal for my birthday. He has a hard time getting it together for me for some reason. Ugh!
But we talked it out and got dressed to head out to eat lunch at Austin's with the girls.

My favorite mild buffalo chicken fingers!!
We then went to go look at model homes for fun and ideas still for the bathroom.
Adelyn found something she wants!
Ella found a little attic nook off a kids bedroom. Fun!
Then we headed home to relax for a little bit before we headed over to my parents for a steak dinner in this 2 degree weather!! Its going to be a cold cold week around here.
A gift on my porch from my friend, Erika.
Then Sarah stopped by with chocolate covered strawberries, mini bottle of champagne and a cute KC mask!
Thanks girls!

Bath and body works from Erika! Love it!!
Parents house-Valentines Gifts from my parents.
Oh Marley just had to get in the picture!
Sky Paw Patrol for Ella that she wanted!
Adelyn got a new squishmallow!! 
I told my mom no more, but she couldn't think of anything. But Adelyn was thrilled.

Ella is good at just dumping out her bag...ha.
Big slim jims!


Don't mind Ella's face she already started eating. Ha. Yummy steak, mushrooms, baked potatoes and rolls!! Oh and salad bar.
My mom also made me my favorite angel food cake with sticky icing!!

Well all and all it ended up being a great birthday! Thanks everyone that made my day or previous days special!! 

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