Saturday, February 27, 2021

February 19th (Ella's Friendship Party/Ella's Family Birthday Party)

Ella is back from school with all her V-day goodies!!

She got a blue Unicorn, from Mrs. Pam. 

I cleaned most of the day getting ready for family to come over to celebrate Ella!!
Addie ran some errands with me also since it was her stay at home day.
Everything ready to go!
Paw Patrol Birthday is what she chose!


We got KFC for dinner! 

Money from Auntie Lisa.
Max pouting about not getting any presents.

Big Chalk bucket and bubbles from Uncle Jeff and Aunt Sasha.
Big Bowling Set from Grandma and Grandpa.

New Bubble Maker...Ella loves these from Uncle Stevie.
Lets bowl!!

Cute Cousins.

Ready for dessert!!
Pretty girl!!

Daddy helping her blow out her candle!!
Lots of ice cream to go with the cookie cake!!
Ella's favorite ice cream, mint chip!!
She had a great time with family. No big party this year because of Covid! Here's to next year!


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