Friday, February 26, 2021

February 11th (Conferences-No School/New Window-4 degrees out)

The girls this morning!! Zoned out!!
Nick and Rob about to take this window out of our old sitting room/new bathroom in 4 degree weather!? Real smart Nick!! Oh Geez...this looks totally smart.

We are moving the window over and putting in a slider that is a little bigger to go over the tub.
Bekah dropped me off a Valentine and B-day gift...thanks girl. She is going out of town to Branson.
All my gifts from friends last night!! I got hooked up.
From Bekah.

Framing the wall!
It's so cold!! We have two space heaters going in the master.

Finally around 7:00 pm the new window is put in!
Yes from about 9 to 7 it took them to do this!! Lots of not knowing going on around here!
It's a learning experience...ha!


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