Saturday, February 27, 2021

February 14th-HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!)

I woke up to a wonderful Valentine's Day!!
(Nick making up for my birthday!!)
Wow thanks honey.

Donuts too!!
These Roses are GORGEOUS!!! I LOVE THEM!!

My favorite chocolate covered strawberries!
The waffle maker I have been wanting for a few years! Along with a Chiefs hoodie.
Valentines for my 3 Valentines!
Love these shots of the 3 of them!
Cotton Candy flavors, color change barbie pets, slime and a big crystal pet.

Mayva wanting to be in on the fun!

Candy for Nick but got the Jolly Rancher Gummies, he said he doesn't like anymore. Oops.
But I did get the Pokey Sticks he likes to eat from Japan.
I got dressed and ready for the day!!
We all ran some errands together.
Starting with driving in the snow and cold temps to a cabinet place in Missouri for the vanity. They were nice but not the cabinet we wanted on top. Back to the drawing board!! Ugh its so difficult!
We ran around to home depot in Overland Park to get the sink faucets we ordered and to Sam's for a few things along with Sushi for dinner tonight!
Making dinner tonight. 
Bang Bang Shrimp and white rice.
Then Nick ran up to Sake to get Kani Salad, Crab Rangoon and Pot Stickers.

Yummy, get in my belly!!
Enjoying dinner.
Fondue for dessert!!
Soooo yummy!!
Great Valentine's Day!!


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