Wednesday, June 5, 2019

May 31st (Adelyn's 10th Birthday Party-Glamping Style)

And she is off for the last V-ball clinic tonight...I will be picking her up early for her party!
But we got everything ready for the party before she left.
 Drawstring backpack bags for them to write their name on and to put their goodies in!
 Dining room table all decorated for them to eat at tonight!

 Basement all ready to go for the girls!
 This is our new tent and its huge!!!!
 Goodie bag stuff!

 Outside ready to go!!
 Our teacher appreciation theme this year was camping so I got a few things from my logs and pretend fires!
Party was at 5 come the girls!

Delaney and Riley got here a little late being at the v-ball clinic...but Delaney brought Addie candy because Addie's team won!! Adelyn had said they won 3 in a row and were waiting to play championship game when she had to leave early for her party.
 Everyone is here.
Nora, Addie, Daphne, Amelia, Delaney and Riley. (Holly is out of town and Taylor couldn't make it from Tulsa)

 Water is a little chilly! But they got in!
 Oliver sleeping!

 Ella joined the girls.

 Well I was cooking hot dogs and brats when the propane tank went out and I have know idea how to put a new one on?? So inside I went to finish cooking brats!!
(FYI-I did this whole party by myself...Nick worked till 8:30!)

 Snacks for later.
 Homemade brownies for our ice cream sundaes later.
 Enjoying their dinner. Hot dog/Brat chips with deans dip and fruit!
These girls were having some interesting conversations that I just happen to be listening too! Ha.
Me spying and texted all the girl mom's!! Lol.
 Choosing their goodie bag stuff. Some they could use tonight and other things to take home.

 Time to open her presents!

Llama pool float from Amelia.
Giant Octopus Squishmallow from a purse and scrunchie!

It's funny to get a scunchy because I hate them!!
(Lizzie totally knows and of course got her one!)

New perfume, make up stuff and case that has an "A" on it from Delaney.
Barbie from Riley!
(Adelyn is really into Barbie's right now!)

Mini squishmallows from Nora...she was soooo excited!
Ella loved them also! Ha.
A cute.
 Inside the tent getting all set up. Addie letting everyone borrow some of her squishmallows!!

 Happy girls.
Time to head up and sing happy birthday!
My big 10 year old!
 Now they are playing truth or dare...oh geez! I did hear a few...Riley got dared to kiss Mayva! Ha.
They played camping downstairs for a little bit then came up to watch "It Takes Two" with the Olsen Twins! They loved it! I finally got Ella up to bed around 9:30!
Nick got home around 8:30!

Ella with her light up balloon from Addie's party!
 Happy girl with all her friends and new stuffed animal!
After Ella went to bed I got out snacks for the girls...because of course they needed more food! Lol.
After the movie they headed downstairs around 10:30.
They didn't get crazy but wouldn't go to bed till midnight!!
Hope they sleep in a bit!

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