Saturday, June 1, 2019

May 28th (Adelyn's 10 years Old!!!)

Pancakes, eggs and bacon for her birthday breakfast!!

 Can't believe my 1st baby is 10 today!!!

I let her open one present this morning while Daddy is at work.
Its a barbie donut raft, puppy set!! 
It was too cute not to buy her last minute on Amazon.
Next up on this busy birthday day...Cyclones Dive and Swim 1st day!!
She is so excited to go!
 Learning the walk before jumping off the board.

 I stayed the whole time for dive...normally I will just jump her off most days, since she is doing dive and swim for almost 2 hours.
Happy girl ready to move on to swim now.
Grandma Joy came up to see her dive also, since Stephen used to do it with the cyclones also.
Ella and I ran home for a little bit then came back to get Addie.
I grabbed her Goodcents (One of her favorites for lunch) and Ella some broccoli/cheese soup.
Then I ate my leftovers from Kyoto's.
She was so excited to get her goodcents!
One more present to open before she goes to Volleyball clinic starting today also.
More legos!!
Then our friends the Bayer's stopped by to drop Addie off a present.
It's Tucker's 10th birthday also....they share the same birthday!
We will need to recreate this photo when they are 20!
Silly Ella.
At 3:30 it was time for Addie to go to her first volleyball clinic with the CT v-ball coaches!!
Adelyn, Aubree and Delaney.
I picked up Addie at 5 pm then she got to open her presents.
(Nana stopped bye to tell her happy birthday)
$20 in the mail from Grandma Judy.

New earrings!
Ella got her birthstone earrings also.
Project MC square purse science kit.

Turtle lego Elves kit!!
Mal from Descendants!

Journal and a new locker to keep things in.

Monster high Bus Salon!!
She loves Monster high, but its discontinued now so hard to find!

Daddy had to go back to work so we needed a picture really quick.
A little after he left we were issued another Tornado back to the basement we went with the animals.
Addie was supposed to go to Delaney's birthday at 6:30 but with warning we waited till 7pm.
Had to get a photo real quick with my birthday girl...such a busy crazy day!
(Ella trying to photo bomb!)
 Ria, Delaney, Aubree, Daphne, Adelyn, Abby, Tinsley, Jillian, Riley and Savannah.
Delaney's 10th birthday party..her birthday is May 22nd!
Lovely ladies!!
I heard they had a great time of playing games!
Adelyn got home around 10 pm and went straight to bed...long days lately! 
Must mean it's summer!!

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