Monday, June 24, 2019

June 15th (Uncle Jeff's Boat-Lake All Day/Go Karts/Custard)

These cousins are ready to get on the boat Uncle Jeff rented!
Here we go!! Yay!

Happy Ella!!
Time to eat some lunch!
We got a seat right by the pool..perfect spot with shade!

Non Alcoholic Strawberry daiquiri for the girls!
Nick got in to swim with Max.

I didn't get in the pool...I enjoyed just sitting at the table!
Drinkin my pina colada!! Yummy.
Summer Lake fun!!
Fun pool! We have been coming to dog days before Adelyn was born...this place has changed a lot!!
Nick holding Max and Eating so Jeff can eat by himself!! Way to go Dad of the year.
Ella wouldn't take pic with me!
After lunch we got back on the boat.
Lets roll out to Jeff Lyon's house.
Selfie with this cutie who wanted to sit with me on the boat!

Big Mansions near the water.
We made it to Jeff and Lynette's house.
Playing on the big mat.

Stealing a Summer Shandy and getting a pic with Sarah!
Aunt Sasha is joining the kids.

Time to go Tubing with Jeff Lyons!
Nick and Adelyn's 1st time.
They are both excited.

Her face looked scared most of the time. But she had fun.
(Side Note: We kind of forgot to tell Adelyn that they might fall off the tub and it maybe scary! So Nick and Addie went in the air and Nick got knocked off so Adelyn let go and was crying in the water. Ooops...I told her get back on that tub girl its fun. She said ok and had fun with me on the tub!!)

Adelyn and I got to hold on the whole time back to Jeff and Lynette's dock. Then we all headed over to Captain Ron's across the way.
Jeff, Sasha, Max and my family ate dinner then headed down to the beach area to play.
Well Jeff, Nick and I got to play sand volleyball right by the beach...we played against a few 20 year olds!! Wow were we worn out...we are getting old!! Hahaha.

Happy girls playing in the sand.
Back on the boat we go around 7:15 pm...we have to drive back a ways so to get back before dark!!
Cousin time.

I love being on the water at sunset!! Its always gorgeous.

We got back to their condo dropped off Sasha and Max and Jeff rode with us to go do Go Karts and get Randy's custard! Max was sooo good all day but was ready for bed at this time.
Family photo!
(Yes I am only in my swim suit since my pants got super wet and yucky from the sand volleyball. So I opted to watch.)
Adelyn was tall enough to drive by herself and Nick took Ella.
Adelyn was super excited!

It maybe 9:15 but lets get some custard on this gorgeous night!!
It's vacation.

Their turtle sundae is soooo AMAZING!! Yummy.
Now time to get back to my grandma's and get these girls to bed!!
One long, super fun day!!
They went straight to bed.

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