Tuesday, June 18, 2019

June 13th (Gezer Park w/ Haag Girls)

 These girls are ready to play on this gorgeous day outside!!
 Headed to the creek right away.
 1st time for Daphne and Violet.
She is a little scared.

 Ooops a little slippery. But they have their swim suits on and I have extra clothes plus towels!

 Teeter totter time!

 Go Lizzie!

 Love this picture! I mean the perfect day to go to the park!!

 They made a sea turtle.

Ella made a new older friend named lily! Very sweet little girl.
We ate lunch and went for a walk.
Love this girl!!
 We found little ducklings!! Ohhhh they were so cute.

 Love the waterfall!
What a great time at the park together.
Last up Tad's Shaved Ice!
Daphne is weird and doesn't like shaved ice so she got ice cream.
Addie and Violet got Root beer float.
Lizzie grape, Me cinnamon with coconut (weird but good), and Ella got a mix blue raspberry, watermelon, and coconut!
Ella's was the prettiest looked like cotton candy mixed!
Ella wanted to get in the pool for a few when we got home, but it was a little cold so didn't last long!

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