Thursday, May 23, 2019

May 3rd (Lion Stampede...all day long!!)

My partner in crime that helped me go get over 100 2 liters and 40 some things of movie theater candy at target and walmart!
We helped set up at school for our carnival and run errands.
We then got to enjoy sandwiches for lunch from the school...yum. 
I got to go home for about an hour and a half before I picked up the girls from school.
We ate a quick fish stick dinner then headed up for Adelyn to run before the carnival!!
Addie and Daphne are ready to run.

 And they are off who is going to be the fastest!
Daphne first girl overall in the whole school for the 1 mile!! Way to go Daphne.
Here comes Adelyn.

 Time for some games before I have to go serve custard.
She almost got one!! Have to try again addie.
Off I go to pass out custard and then help run the blacktop!!
I was working the blacktop when I ran into my family finally. Each girl one pops...they got so many prizes and had a lot of fun with their dad.
Cutest picture goes to??/ My girls for sure!!
After this Nick got the girls rounded up, grabbed their custard we paid for already and headed home!
I got to stay to help finish up the games and clean up the carnival!!
Sarah painted the Lion last year and nick made the game. Looks good still guys.
The kids loved getting silly stringed!

 This little boy was so adorable. I love Adelyn's teacher..Mrs. Andersen's face in the background!
 5th grade talent show! This little boy could move...Justin Timberlake dancing to Cry me a River!!

Grabbed a family picture of these three while their mom, Lizzie, was running the whole stampede!
Great job Lizzie!
The best part is after cleaning up we go to Tanner's for FREE food from PTO and get some much needed drinks!! Yay! Great job everyone!

Carmen, PTO President.
Word to your mama.
Love me some Beth, she did Lion Stampede the last two years before!
Melissa and Mr. O...her last year of Lion Stampede Games...she has been here for 8 years! Wow.
She did a great job.
Wow what a long long long day. I am exhausted but love helping out the school!
Great time and glad its over! Ha.

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