Sunday, May 19, 2019

April 28th (Uncle Steve's birthday!!

Addie wanted to match her sister today.
We hit up $5 below today and they each scored some toys with their money.
54th St. in Grandview
Uncle Steve's 60th birthday dinner/party.
Opening presents.

Nana, Uncle Steve, Kirk, Cousin Misty and her daughter Brooklyn.
Auntie Lisa, Brennen and Nanu.
Ella, Me and Addie.
(Nick ran super late so he wasn't here yet)
Nick got here in time for dinner then we had cake.

Uncle Steve loved us all singing to him.

Picture with Uncle Steve! He is so happy everyone could come tonight.

Group Shot!! We love you Uncle Stevers!!
I would have to say I don't want to go back to that 54th st again. Wow...ghetto!
But glad Uncle Steve was happy!

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