Tuesday, May 28, 2019

May 23rd (Last Day of School!!)

Last day of 1st grade!!
(Just noticed my reflection in the door! Ha)

Am I really going to have a 5th grader and she is almost 10! No No how can this be!!
(Side Note: She was having a huge fit right before this picture about not wanting to go to school...her hormones have really been kicking in lately!! Ugh!!)
Ella was super happy all morning.
You can kind of see it with the arms crossed...I took cell phone pictures for Nick.
Adelyn wouldn't take a selfie with us!
I relaxed a little and ran an errand before I picked the girls up.
Our summer party is today with all our friends...hope the rain holds off.
The water is going to be freezing!! Hope the kids don't mind.
After school tradition picture!!
 Tallest to shortest.
Daphne, Trey, Addie, Noah, Eli, Lauren, Riley, Porter, Ella, Violet and Ewin.

 About to jump.

 Got my picture with my girls! Thanks Addie, she is in a much better mood now.

 Mom shot!
This one is better...thanks Adelyn!
 Tucker and Carder where still in the school so they got added real quick!

 We headed home to eat lunch and get ready for the party.
Ella got a little doll from one of her paras. How sweet.
I gave them a little summer fun gift filled with favorite drink, jello they like, some sour candy and kool aid packets, and a kitty cat number color activity.

Ella wanted blue jello the other day so now she has it and we can make it together!! She was sooooo excited!
Here come the kids!!
Adelyn first one in the pool for the season!

 Daphne and Violet are here and ready to jump in like Ella.

 More friends are here.
 Hunter and his avacado!!
Porter relaxing!
The water is freezing...so Ella opted to go in the sun with an extra warm towel for awhile!!
She just doesn't have any fat on her body!!
 Kids are partying down!!
 Who can do the best cannon ball??
 Great shot Jaelyn.

 Ewin and Carder...best buds...trying to get into the freezing water!
 Some of the girls.
Jaelyn, Addie, Daphne, Lauren and Delaney.
 Doing dives.
 Nina enjoying the sun.
 These two on the chairs are too adorable.
It's also Noah's 10th birthday...he brought dairy queen cake!!

 After ice cream cake we needed popsicles also!! Hey its the last day of school!

 And the mom's!!

 Eli and Noah.
 Me, Sarah and Ruth didn't make the other pic! Our turn.

 All the kids together!! Wahoo! What a fun crew.

Janet and Carey.
 This girl was better on a big float without the water on her! hahaha.

These kids are not phased by the cold water at all.
Side note: All the mom's are fully clothed!! 

Daphne wanted to play with a few floats she said...ha.

 Trey, Eli and Nate.
 So I kicked everyone out around 4:30 when it started to sprinkle.
We went inside and got jammies on!
I was so tired so we ate popcorn and snacks for dinner to end our first 1/2 day of summer along with a movie!!
Great way to start off our summer...love all our friends and my girls!!

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