Tuesday, May 28, 2019

May 17th (Field Day Ella/Garage Sale)

Ella already for Field Day at School!
This morning was a little crazy but we got it together. Dave took Addie and Noah to school. I took Ella to school and Ruth stayed at our garage sale at my house for me.
Then I got back and we hung out till about 1 ish. 

Most of this stuff was mine. I sold a lot and all the big stuff either at sale or online!!
Yes! Then we loaded up majority of stuff and dropped off at Savers.
I also saved a pile for my daycare.
Oliver took Ruth's spot after she left! Ha. He was super helpful.
I only had the garage sale due to it to rain a lot tomorrow!!
I am so glad this is done...I am exhausted but so excited to get rid of all that unwanted stuff.

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